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Best Tea For Anxiety

Herbal tea’s have played a major role in traditional and non traditional medicine for thousands of years.

It’s no surprise that there are plenty of options when it comes to finding a tea that can calm your nervous system and relive anxiety.

Benefits of Drinking Herbal Tea

The Best Herbal Tea’s for Anxiety

  • please note some of the product links on this post may be affiliated

The Best Time To Drink Herbal Tea

This is mostly down to personal preference, I like to have a cup first thing in the morning and another before bed.

However, if you are anxious throughout the day or have a specific event coming up you are worried about I’d suggest having a cup with you if possible or drinking one before the event.

I find especially with Lavender and Camomile, the scent and warmth of the tea is as effective at calming nerves and worries as the calming properties of the tea itself.

On-the-go Herbal Tea

I pretty much always can be found with a travel mug, not only can you save money by taking your own herbal tea with you in the mornings but the comfort of having a physically item with you to hold when your feeling anxious is really effective at calming nerves and helping you focus on holding the mug, smelling the calming scents of the herbal teas and feeling the warmth through your hands.

Targeting your senses to bring your stress levels down and bring your focus back to the simple things can be a game changer, don’t knock it till you try it!

My recommendations:

I hope you have found something useful in this information, give the tea’s a try, and let me know which ones helped you.

If you would like some more information on
Anxiety Relief Products have a look here.

Remember to be kind to yourself and take a moment when you need it.

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