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Setting Goals

The new year is nearly here and with it another chance to make your dreams a reality!

You are in control of yourself and whether or not you stick to your goals and make your dreams a reality. Below I have written down a few tips I have picked up for making sure you are successful in your goals.

Top Tips For Achieving Your Goals

Quick View:

  1. Write them down!

  2. Make them realistic

  3. Be specific

  4. Break bigger goals down into smaller ones

  5. Have them displayed

  6. Plan ahead

  7. Share with friends

Ok so lets go through them in abit more depth.

  1. Writing your goals down is a must and having them displayed somewhere you will see each day is a great way to stop you from forgetting about them and keeping you motivated to tick them off.

  2. Making your goals realistic is also very important because if you make them too far-fetched or too far out of reach you will eventually just stop trying.

    For example, for me wanting to read 50 books a year is just not going to happen (unless it’s kid’s books) it would just be setting me up to fail.

    So think about your goal, for me i would think ok so I want to read more, there are 12 months, at the moment I read about 4 books a year without any thought behind it so lets up that to 10. That for me is a realistic goal that is achievable whilst still showing progress and gives me time to actually enjoy the books!

  3. This also links into being specific, having the goal as ‘read more’ doesn’t give an idea of when you have achieved it so be specific and think about the wording.

    For example:

    Read more = Read 10 books

    Drink more = Drink at least 1 liter of water a day

    Save money = Put £20 a month into a savings account

    Still with me?

  4. The next tip I mentioned was to plan ahead and by this I mean if your goal is to let’s say, visit 5 new countries you can take a look at your calendar and see when you are able to book time off work for example or check in with friends/family to make sure they have the same availability if you are planning on going with them. That’s not to say you have to plan every inch out of it, being spontaneous and planning last-minute trips are the best but just have a rough idea so you know it’s achievable which in turn gives you the motivation and determination to make it happen.

  5. Another important tip is to break bigger goals down into smaller ones, this can be really helpful if you have a big goal that might seem impossible or unachievable or even just a goal that might not be reachable in a year but you still want to work toward.

    It could be getting a mortgage, redecorating your house, moving abroad, or getting a degree! All are achievable, some may not be realistic for you in a year and some may be but might just need smaller steps. So, if your goal is to get a degree and the course you want to go on is 4 years to complete, the goal can be to enroll and complete the first year!

    If it is a bigger goal, let’s use one of mine as an example… Move to Australia. This is a goal I have dreamt of for longer than I can remember! Last year I looked into what it would require and broke it down. So my goal for last year was to save a set amount each month, book a holiday over there and start a course to allow me to be on the skills job list to get a visa. All of which I can proudly say I have done, i may not have finished the course but it’s well on its way!

  6. The last tip I wrote was to share with friends. By this, I mean not only talking to your friends about your goals and what you are doing to achieve them but also seeing what their goals are. If as I mentioned as an example before, you are wanting to visit 5 new countries, see if your friends have a similar goal so you can tick them off and enjoy the memories and experiences together.

After all, that’s what it’s all about, making memories and living your life to the fullest.

I would love to know what goals you are setting for 2023, please feel free to leave a comment.

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